spinal cord

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spinal cord

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:32:38

英 [ˈspaɪnəl kɔ:d]

美 [ˈspaɪnəl kɔrd]

spinal cord基本解释



第三人称复数:spinal cords

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1. a major part of the central nervous system which conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses to and from the brain
a long tubelike structure extending from the base of the brain through the vertebral canal to the upper lumbar region

Synonym: medulla spinalis

1. 脊髓
Your spinal cord is a thick cord of nerves inside your spine which connects your brain to nerves in all parts of your body.

1. spinal cord的翻译

1. 脊髓:研究小组成员、密西根大学运动机能学助理教授法研究组在<>(Spinal Cord)杂志上撰文称,他们在研究中发现,那些脊髓重伤的病人能够产生完成行走所需的肌肉运动,而无需脑信号作用.

2. 脊 髓 神 經:研究小组对所有病人的大脑皮层施行了 rTMS 或安慰性对照疗法. 研究结果发表在学术期刊<> (Spinal Cord) 上.

3. 脊椎:中枢神经系统由脑(brain)和脊椎(spinal cord)组成,分别位于颅腔和椎管内. 颅腔和椎管内以外的脑神经与脊椎神经及其分支,遍布全身其他部位,构成了外周神经系统. 中枢神经系统通过外周神经系统与机体各部分建立联系,接受各种信息,

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A similar attachment has also been found to the spinal cord via the ligamentum nuchae.(还发现了通过韧带与脊髓的类似附着。)
The brain stem-spinal cord angle is much smaller in partial patients with platybasia and basilar invagination.(部分颅底扁平或颅底凹陷的病人的脑干脊髓角要小得多。)
The path to stem cell based therapy for spinal cord injury is not a clear one.(通向以干细胞为基础的脊髓损伤疗法的道路目前还不甚明朗。)
Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, the thin lining that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord.(脑膜炎是围绕脑和脊髓的薄膜即脑膜(髓膜)感染。)
Matt had suffered a spinal cord injury from an accident.(Matt在一次意外中脊髓损伤。)
Within weeks, Talbot was fixing his doctor's car at the spinal cord hospital where he was being treated.(连续几周,托尔伯特都在他接受治疗的脊髓医院里帮他的医生修车。)
From the infection site, it moves through nerve cells toward the spinal cord and brain.(狂犬病病毒会从感染处通过神经细胞扩散并感染脊髓与大脑。)
Your spinal cord is less hesitant, and it frees conscious thought for the hard problems.(因为脊髓区很少犹豫,它让意识自由地去思考更重要的问题。)
Halsted damaged his spinal cord and became a paraplegic as a result of the accident.(霍尔斯特德伤到了他的脊髓,事故的后果是他成了截瘫。)
The objective is to establish a model of spinal cord organotypic culture in vitroof Sprague Dawlay rat.(目的是通过器官培养的方法建立大鼠器官型脊髓片培养模型。)
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